Vijay Anadkat renders his duty as an adviser to the Gujarat State Urban Development Department for Smart City mission, AMRUT mission, Clean Air Action , Climate change and Urban planning related assignments. He supported the Gujarat state to prepare State Action Plan under AMRUT 1.0 and AMRUT 2.0 to support 165 Urban Local Bodies, Gujarat Policy for Promotion of Wastewater Recycle and Reuse, External funding for improving water supply and wastewater for Gujarat cities.
Prior to joining WRI, Vijay worked as City Engineer, Rajkot Municipal Corporation and Head of Water Supply department serving more than 1 million people. He has also worked as assistant professor at CEPT University.
Vijay is Chartered Civil Engineer. He has a Ph.D. degree in Civil Engineering (Water Resources Engineering) from Gujarat Technological University. He holds master’s degree in urban & regional planning and bachelor’s degree in civil engineering, law as well as journalism. He also possesses qualification of Post Graduate Diploma in Environment Management for Human Settlement from IHS- the Netherlands.