City Water Forum (CWF)

A dedicated platform to inform the larger water sensitive agenda of Delhi with focus on vulnerable communities.

The CWF is a two-layered forum set up under the AIWASI project meant to drive the implementation of the project, as well as create a premise for pursuing city-wide actions for long-term water security. The forum plays a critical role in mainstreaming Water Sensitive Urban Design (WSUD) principles by allowing the project activities and results from the demonstration projects to be made visible to all important stakeholders of the water sector at both local and at city level.

Layer 1 comprises a project-centric platform for two vulnerable communities selected for pilot demonstration of Water Sensitive Urban Design approaches. The platform facilitates activities around planning and implementation of demonstration projects and is an avenue for community voices to be heard. This layer will cease to exist after the completion of the project.

Layer 2 comprises a city-wide platform for state and non-state actors to take progressive action for long term water security in Delhi. It will serve as a strategic thinktank to inform Delhi’s water agenda and introduce new and innovative water security measures to support this agenda. The members of the platform comprise diverse stakeholders such as government agencies, citizen groups, academics, practitioners, and social influencers. This layer will continue to operate even after the completion of the project.