

Vision and Mission


Prioritise SDG 6.1


Inform and guide to prioritize SDG 6.1 for disadvantaged, vulnerable communities and the larger city to achieve universal, equitable access to Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH), leaving no one behind.


Improve Water Security

Improve water security in disadvantaged communities through WSUD Demonstration projects to create liveable, healthy and resilient spaces against climate change and disaster risks.


Implement Participatory Approach

Design and implement WSUD solutions involving local communities via participatory and place-based approach for community resilience building, stewardship, equitable dissemination of benefits for all, operation and maintenance.

Empower Communities

Increase participation and empower vulnerable communities in city level decision-making on urban water management.

Transition to a Water Resilient City

Transition to a water resilient city by understanding, adopting, advocating and championing of:
• integrated and inclusive WASH and healthy space service delivery projects
• participatory engagement of disadvantaged and vulnerable communities
Icon Credit: Flaticon, Icons8

Our Work

The AIWASI CDP Demonstration project is designed with Water Sensitive City (WSC) Vision and Gender Disability and Social Inclusion (GEDSI) principles at its very core.

The initiative focuses on two specific outcomes:

Water Sensitive Cities (WSC) Vision

Despite years of investment to improve urban Water Supply and Sanitation (WSS) service delivery provisions, the urban disadvantaged communities in Indian cities, such as those in Delhi, still have limited access to improved WSS. The current COVID-19 pandemic only accentuates the adverse impact of inadequate WSS on the urban poor.

The Water Sensitive City (WSC) approach is identified to address social exclusion dimensions such as water scarcity, unequal distribution and rationing, unequal ownership rights over water systems. It also addresses poor water quality and the absence of sewage collection and treatment systems, large distances to water sources etc in urban (disadvantaged) communities especially in the face of climate change-driven shocks.

Urban water management transitions (from ‘big pipes’ to ‘WSC’)
Source: Brown, R.R., Keath, N., Wong, T.H.F., 2009. Urban water management in cities: historical, current and future regimes. Water Science and Technology 59 (5), 847e855

Delhi began its journey as a water supply city and the diagram shows how a city’s relationship with water transitions over time.

The Water Sensitive City (WSC) vision is underpinned by three principles:

Why Water Sensitive Urban Design (WSUD)?

WSUD is the process of integrating urban planning and design with the management, protection and conservation of the urban water cycle. It ensures that urban water management is sensitive to natural hydrological and ecological processes.


Reduces floods
Relieves droughts
Natural treatment of wastewater
Water affordability
Reconnects people with water
Supports creation of healthy spaces and biodiversity
Participation, engagement and livelihood support
Carbon sequestration

AIWASI CDP aims at design and implementation of WSUD solutions such as decentralized nature-based sewage, stormwater treatment and reuse systems, community-based rainwater harvesting, groundwater recharge systems, and innovative circular solutions at WASH stations etc. These solutions can help in the transition to a WSC by building resilience in vulnerable and disadvantaged communities in the face of climate change and disaster risks.

Incorporating GEDSI (Gender Equality Disability and Social Inclusion)

The AIWASI CDP will be informed by overarching Gender Equality, Disability and Social Inclusion (GEDSI) principles entailing a thorough understanding of the different risks, opportunities, barriers and impacts faced by all sections of the society, including women, persons with disabilities and other marginalized groups. The following GEDSI principles underpin the AIWASI CDP Consortium Partners' commitment to equitable and inclusive programming:

*Transformative approaches explicitly examine and change institutions and norms that reinforce inequalities and biases against marginalized groups in society.

**Meaningful engagement entails providing iterative opportunities for two-way engagement and dialogue; securing free, prior and informed consent where applicable. It means actively overcoming barriers like cost, illiteracy, asymmetric information, exclusionary institutions and discriminatory norms; and ensuring that all stakeholders’ opinions are not only heard but appropriately incorporated into planning and implementation processes.