Gujarat Mahila Housing SEWA Trust (MHT)

About the organization

Mahila Housing Trust (MHT) is an autonomous not-for-profit organization which was established in 1994 with the overall objective of improving habitat conditions of poor women in the informal sector. It is a leading advocacy organization with expertise in policy development, grassroots organizing, community development and technical know-how in WASH, land tenure, construction, management and oversight of infrastructure projects.

Mahila Housing Trust (MHT) is a nonprofit organization dedicated to empowering women and vulnerable communities by facilitating access to safe and affordable housing in urban areas. Their work is centered around the belief that housing is a fundamental human right and a critical element in breaking the cycle of poverty and social vulnerability. MHT’s mission is to strengthen grassroots collectives of women in the urban informal sector to advance constructive dialogue and action on improving their housing, living, and working environments. By forging unique relationships with poor communities and local governments, MHT has advanced access to basic services, promoted climate resilience, and deepened participatory governance.

Key role: Community Participation and Engagement expert.

Key point of contact