Water security in Delhi has been on the decline for the last several years, from multiple perspectives. From an availability point of view, currently, the water demand-supply gap is estimated at 325 MGD. The city relies heavily on water sourced from long distances. Over the last decade or so, the groundwater levels have fallen by more than 20-30 metres in several parts of the city.
Furthermore, groundwater salinity is increasing, and the fluoride, nitrate and arsenic levels are found to be higher than the limits prescribed in the standards. From a flooding perspective, despite having approximately 20% of the area under green cover, the frequency and intensity of flooding events in Delhi have been on the rise.
Going forward, it is clear that the city needs to adopt a water-sensitive approach that considers the entire urban water cycle, and its interaction with society, in order to address the imminent challenges. This will require concerted and coordinated efforts from different stakeholders—various government agencies, citizen groups, NGOs, academicians, and social influencers. It is, therefore, proposed to set up a Delhi Water Forum as an enabling platform for diverse stakeholders in the city to ideate and synergise their efforts for making Delhi a ‘water-sensitive city’.

With this background, the DELHI WATER FORUM (DWF) has been formed, as a part of the Australia India Water Security Initiative (AIWASI). The DWF is an enabling platform for diverse stakeholders in the city to ideate and synergise their efforts for making Delhi a ‘water-sensitive city’.

Functions of DWF:

The overall objective of the DWF is to establish an avenue for progressive discussions and corresponding actions, to make Delhi a water-sensitive city.

  • Provide a platform for various water-related agencies in Delhi to periodically share, discuss, and seek feedback on their ongoing and proposed plans for the water sector in Delhi.
  • Seek to infuse innovative and contemporary ideas on integrating water sensitive planning to support Delhi transition along the lines of a water sensitive city’s principles.
  • Fosters learning across sector expert on the forum.
Provide a platform for various water-related agencies in Delhi to periodically share, discuss, and seek feedback on their ongoing and proposed plans for the water sector in Delhi.

Seek to infuse new and contemporary thinking about water sensitive planning and actions among the members of the Forum.


Support the translations of water-sensitive aspirations into practice.

Role of the Forum

Composition of the Forum

The DWF has two primary categories of members—the core group and the thematic groups. The role of “Core Group” shall be to drive the overall agenda of the DWF. The “Thematic Groups” will take on a ‘specialist’ role for identifying and strategizing water-sensitive actions pertaining to dedicated themes. These groups will be supported by the Secretariat and guided by a Steering Committee.

Goals of water sensitive cities (ensure good water sensitive governance, increase community capital, achieve equity of essential services, improve productivity and resource efficiency, improve ecological health, ensure quality urban spaces and promote adaptive infrastructure) will be pursued in each of the thematic groups.

Members of the Forum

Achieved Vs Target

Number of Delhi water forums conducted (April 2022 – Feb 2024)

Targeted number of delhi water forums conducted (April 2022 – Feb 2024)

6 core group meetings

14 core group meetings

Government Agencies

Think tanks


Citizen Groups

Contact Details of the DWF Secretariat

Please feel free to reach out to us.
National Institute of Urban Affairs (NIUA)
Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs, Government of India
Core 4B, 1st Floor, India Habitat Centre, Lodhi Road, New Delhi – 110003
011 24643284, 24617543, 24617517 (ext. 214)

Infographic for CWF